Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Saint John Paul II bane of demons

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Damien F. Mackey





Father Amorth also was the exorcist for the Diocese of Rome during St. John Paul II’s pontificate so he has firsthand knowledge of at least three exorcisms that the pontiff performed in his private chapel. The demons are recorded as having a special indignation when his memory is invoked because St. John Paul “ruined their plans.” Father Amorth believes the reason for this is linked to Fatima and to the consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by St. John Paul March 25, 1984.



This pivotal moment in human history was, sadly, and quite against the wishes of Heaven, about half a century late in coming to its fulfilment - with dire consequences for the world. This is what I wrote about it in:


The Five First Saturdays Of Our Lady of Fatima



The Consecration of Russia

We recall that on July 13th of 1917, Our Lady of the Rosary had made this promise:

“I shall come to ask for the Consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays. If My wishes are fulfilled, Russia will be converted and there will be peace …. If not ….”.

In June of 1929, Our Lady came and told [Sister] Lucia:

“The moment has come when God asks the Holy Father, in union with all the bishops of the world, to make the Consecration of Russia to My Heart, promising to save it by this means”.

In a letter to her confessor, dated May 29, 1930, Sr. Lucia had explained that Our Lord had made her feel his Divine presence in the depth of her heart and had urged her to ask the Holy Father for the approval for the reparative devotion of the first Saturdays. These are the words of the seer, as found in her Memoirs (# 404):

“If I am not mistaken, the good Lord promises to put an end to the persecution in Russia if the Holy Father deigns to make a solemn and public act of reparation and consecration of Russia to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary and orders all the bishops of the Catholic world to do the same. The Holy Father must also promise to approve and recommend the reparative devotion already indicated for the cease of this persecution”.

Later, through an interior communication, Our Lord complained to Sr. Lucia that the consecration of Russia had not been made:

“They did not heed to My request. They will repent like the king of France and will make it, but it will be too late. Russia will already have spread its errors throughout the world, promoting wars and persecutions of the Church. The Holy Father will have much to suffer” ….

Our Lord’s reference here to “the king of France” is an allusion to the promise that He had made to Louis XIV through St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. Our Lord had promised to give the king a life of grace and eternal glory, as well as victory over his enemies, if he would consecrate himself to the Sacred Heart, let It reign in his palace, paint It on his banners, and have It engraved on his coat of arms. In 1792, after Louis XVI had been imprisoned in the Tower of the Temple, this Divine request still had not been heeded. The king then made the vow to consecrate himself, his family and his kingdom to the Sacred Heart of Jesus if he regained his freedom, the crown, and royal power. It was too late; the king left prison only for his execution.

Lucia, writing again to her spiritual director on January 21, 1935, stated that:
“Our Lord was quite displeased because His request had not been carried out” (ibid.).
In a further letter to him, dated May 18, 1936, she told him of the following fascinating exchange with Our Lord in the subject:

“… I have spoken to Our Lord inwardly about the subject, and not too long ago I asked Him why He would not convert Russia without the Holy Father making that consecration”.
“Because I want My whole Church to acknowledge that consecration as a triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, so as subsequently to extend the devotion to it and place it alongside devotion to My Sacred Heart”.

“But, my God, the Holy Father will not believe me, unless You move him with a special inspiration”.

“The Holy Father. Pray very much for the Holy Father! He will do it, but it will be late. Nevertheless, the Immaculate Heart of Mary will save Russia, who has been entrusted to it” ….

Sr. Lucia wrote a further interesting letter to her spiritual director on August 18, 1940. Here is part of it:

“I suppose it pleases Our Lord that there is someone who is concerned about His Vicar on earth fulfilling His wishes. But the Holy Father will not comply with them now. He doubts they are real, and explicably so. Our good Lord could show clearly through some prodigy that it is He who is asking, but He takes this opportunity to punish the world with His justice for so many crimes and to prepare it for a more complete return to Him. The proof that He gives us is the special protection the Immaculate Heart of Mary affords Portugal in view of the consecration made to it [i.e. the 1931 consecration made by the Portuguese bishops]” ….


[End of quotes]

Over a period of about four decades, various popes would try to fulfil Heaven’s urgent request. I discussed this in the following section:

Attempts to Achieve the Collegial Consecration

During 1942, Pope Pius XII consecrated the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary; and in 1952 he consecrated Russia to her Heart. Whilst, undoubtedly, these were valuable spiritual acts, they did not fulfil Our Lady’s conditions, because – as Bishop Alberto Cosme do Amaral has noted (1989 “Youth for Fatima” conference) - the Holy Father had made these consecrations alone as Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth.


In 1964 Pope Paul VI, when speaking to the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council, renewed Pope Pius XII’s consecration of the world and Russia to the Immaculate Heart. This was in the presence of the world’s more than 2,000 bishops. Again, however, the Pope made the consecration by himself, and not in union with the world’s bishops.
On the 13th of May, 1982, at Fatima, Pope John Paul II made a valiant attempt at the collegial Consecration when he renewed Pope Pius XII’s consecrations of the world and Russia to the Immaculate Heart. However, when the most reverend Sante Portalupi, the Papal Nuncio to Portugal, visited Sr. Lucia at that time, she told him that the Consecration made by John Paul II, like that of Pius XII, was not according to the request of Our Lady, as it was not with all the bishops of the world, each on the same day in a “collegial” Act of Consecration. (Taken from SOUL magazine, Jan-Feb, 1985, p. 9). It was reported that many bishops did not receive the Holy Father’s letter in time to join him in the act.

In 1984, Pope John Paul II made another consecration. In preparation for it, the Holy Father sent a letter to all the bishops of the world asking them to join him in the collegial Consecration of the world as a renewal of the two acts of consecration made by Pope Pius XII. “Implicit therefore”, according to Bishop Amaral, “was the consecration of Russia” (op. cit., ibid.) Bishop Amaral’s further explanation of this Consecration is an important one:

“Not only was it to be a renewal of Pius XII’s two consecrations … but the very words of Pope John Paul II mentioned those peoples ‘most in need’. Likewise, during the actual consecration by Pope John Paul II there were a few moments of pausing during which it was not clear what the Holy Father said. I thanked the Pope later for consecrating the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Pope added ‘and Russia’.”


Bishop Amaral then explained that:


“A moral totality of the world’s bishops joined the Pope in this collegial consecration, including Eastern Orthodox bishops”.

For many years now, Fatima devotées have been waiting and praying, and even sacrificing, for this consecration to come about. Some may - and in fact do - find it hard now to accept that it has happened. It seems almost too good to be true. But, on the other hand, is it in fact so difficult to accept that the collegial consecration had been carried out as requested? When John Paul II wrote to all the bishops of the world as to what he was going to do on March 25th, 1984, and what he wanted all the bishops to do with him, he specifically stated that he was going to repeat the twofold consecrations of Pope Pius XII; the one of the whole world of 1942 and the one of Russia of 1952.

We may perhaps draw another analogy here.

Fr. William Most, when discussing the Theology of the Mass in his excellent book on the Second Vatican Council, Vatican II Marian Council, has this to say about the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass being the renewal of Calvary:

“If the renewal is twofold (i.e. offered up by Christ and by His Mystical Body the Church) … then would it not be strange if the original, which the renewal repeats, did not have a similar twofold structure? Really, if the renewal were twofold, and the original not, then the renewal would be partly false. It would no repeat fully what it should repeat”.

We may reverse this logical reasoning with regard to the Consecration of 1984 as follows:


“If the original is twofold (i. e. consisting of two separate previous consecrations) then would it not be strange if the repeat, which claims to repeat the original, did not have a similar twofold structure? Really, if the original were twofold, and the repeat not, the latter would be manifestly false …etc”.

But what is being claimed by Church authorities in the case of this 1984 Act of Consecration is that the 1952 Act of Consecration of Russia is being repeated. This was made known to all the bishops. And by making it thus known to them, the Holy Father was fully expressing his explicit intention with regard to Russia’s being included, even had Russia not received a mention!

Fr. M. Coelho, in his article “The Problem of the Consecration Again” (Fatima Family Messenger, Oct-Dec, 1989) had added some further important points on the subject. After noting that Lucia had believed “the request of Our Lady was not perfectly accomplished” in the case of the earlier Consecration, that of 1982, Fr. Coelho went on to add that, with regard to the Consecration of 1984:

“Now, in fact, both the Bishop of Fatima and the Holy Father are convinced that the consecration Our Lady asked for is perfectly made. The main reason is the following. Nobody can prove that the words Our Lady used, asked for a consecration of Russia alone; Russia is a part of the world. If the world is consecrated, Russia becomes consecrated”. ….

Fr. Coelho then proceeded to make a significant theological point: that it is ultimately the Church – not the seers – who interprets apparitions.

“Theologically the problem is clearer. The apparitions and their messages are charisms, i.e. acts of the Holy Spirit. Their interpretation - to be correct - has to be also an act of the Holy Spirit. He is the Soul of the Church. So, the only interpretation is that of the Church and not that of the seers. Usually the charism of seers consists only in receiving and telling the Church what they saw and heard. Reliable people who recently saw Sister Lucia told me Sister Lucia now says that the request of Our Lady is accomplished”.

And we can see already some effects. Many things began changing after 1984” ….

[Comment: Such as the dramatic fall of the Soviet Empire in 1989].


We turn now to the actual words spoken by Sr. Lucia on the subject of the 1984 Consecration, its outcome, and the response of the world’s bishops to it. The following quotations of Sr. Lucia are taken from the article, “Sister Lucia says: ‘God will keep His Word’” (in Fatima Family Messenger, pp. 9-11), by Maria do Fetal Neves Rosa, who is a relative of Sr. Lucia and her friend of 40 years. When the author put to Sr. Lucia this point:
“You know some bishops did not unite with the Holy Father in the Consecration?” Sr. Lucia replied:

“The responsibility was theirs. Because of them God did not refuse to accept the Consecration which as made [in 1984] as the one having been requested …. The request for the Consecration was always an appeal for union. The Mystical Body of Christ [the Church] must be united! The members of the same Body are united!” (Ibid).


Then her interviewer pressed Sr. Lucia to be perhaps even more specific as to whether or not the Consecration requested by Our Lady had been achieved, saying:


“People would like very much to know that you, Lucia, are saying that the Consecration has now been made and accepted by God”; to which Sr. Lucia gave the following reply:

“His Excellency, the Bishop of Leiria, was here. He asked me and I told him, ‘Yes. Now it was made’.”

The Apostolic Nuncio has been here recently and asked me, ‘Is Russia now consecrated?’ ‘Yes. Now it is’, I answered. The Nuncio then said, ‘Now we wait for the miracle’.

I answered, ‘God will keep His word’.” ….

[End of quotes]


My view, no doubt shared by others, that the 1984 Consecration was a most decisive event in the history of humanity - an event of cosmic proportions, in fact - is also the view, most unhappily received apparently, by exorcised demons. For I have just read this review (http://catholicphilly.com/2017/02/us-world-news/culture/late-exorcists-words-lift-the-veil-on-the-demonic-satan/):


Late exorcist’s words lift the veil on the demonic, Satan


By Allan F. Wright • Catholic News Service • Posted February 24, 2017




“An Exorcist Explains the Demonic: The Antics of Satan and His Army of Fallen Angels”
by Father Gabriele Amorth with Stefano Stimamiglio.

Sophia Institute Press (Manchester, New Hampshire, 2016).

145 pp., $14.95.


The world-renowned exorcist, Pauline Father Gabriele Amorth, who died this past September, has left his wisdom and experience in dealing with evil forces through this lucid and insightful compendium gleaned from interviews published in Credere magazine over the past few years.

Father Amorth founded the International Association of Exorcists and performed tens of thousands of exorcisms in his life. He is refreshingly direct throughout the book and doesn’t mince words when it comes to the reality of the demonic, evil spirits and Satan.

In addition, his writing conveys a sense of comfort and hope for those suffering from physical and spiritual ailments such as possession, vexation, obsession and infestation, all believed to stem from demonic forces.

Father Amorth attributes the rise on demonic activity to the decline in faith in God. “When faith in God declines, idolatry and irrationality increase; man must then look elsewhere for answers to his meaningful questions,” he writes. The principle of total and complete liberty apart from God and the denial of truth itself are indeed seductive in appearance but ultimately fail to satisfy the “desires of the human heart.”

Young people in particular, he states, “are easily deluded and are attracted to these ‘seductions’ which has been the desire of Satan since the beginning.” Extreme danger arises when these demonic spirits are invited into a person’s life and Father Amorth goes into detail on specific cases he has personally encountered.

While we are all victims of seductions or temptations, not everyone is a victim of what the late priest calls an “extraordinary action of Satan.” Nor are extraordinary actions of Satan or evil spirits the fault of those who are victim of these attacks, he affirms.

However, there are an incredible amount of people who declare their allegiance to Satan, the “father of lies.” The casting of spells and “infestations of the demonic” are in fact a reality and chronicled in this book.

In chapter three, “The Cult of Satan and Its Manifestations,” topics such as spiritism, Satanism, occultism, wizards, fortunetellers, magic, piercings, tattoos and satanic music are addressed.

He states that the three rules of Satanism are: “You may do all you wish, no one has the right to command you, and you are the god of yourself.” One doesn’t need to be exposed to the satanic heavy metal band Slayer to see those three elements alive and operating in our culture.

Although “An Exorcist Explains the Demonic” is profoundly disquieting, Father Amorth reminds readers of God’s victory over Satan and the tools for growing in holiness and fighting evil provided by the church in the sacraments, sacramentals and prayer. God loves us as a father and desires to protect us.

The reader will perhaps be surprised by the amount of demonic activity that Father Amorth records in a matter-of-fact manner and yet always with the confidence that God is stronger. He recalls invoking with much success Mary, the mother of Jesus.

Father Amorth also was the exorcist for the Diocese of Rome during St. John Paul II’s pontificate so he has firsthand knowledge of at least three exorcisms that the pontiff performed in his private chapel. The demons are recorded as having a special indignation when his memory is invoked because St. John Paul “ruined their plans.” Father Amorth believes the reason for this is linked to Fatima and to the consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by St. John Paul March 25, 1984.

The book also relies on Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church for insights into heaven, hell, purgatory and the rite of exorcism itself. Father Amorth makes a solid case for the need for many more exorcists and even suggests that every seminarian be exposed to the work of exorcism as an essential course of study.

This compendium is a suitable witness to both the man and his struggle with evil.



Wright is an author and academic dean of evangelization for the Diocese of Paterson and resides in New Jersey.


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